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Unleashing the Power of Hugo

Personal Projects Software and Tools Virtualization Web Development
Timothy Smith
Head of Infrastructure
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In the dynamic realm of web development, choosing the right tools can make all the difference. Recently, I embarked on a journey to explore the capabilities of Hugo, a static site generator that has been gaining popularity for its speed, simplicity, and flexibility. In this blog post, I’ll share my experiences, the commands I used, and the valuable lessons I learned along the way.

What is Hugo?

Hugo is an open-source static site generator written in Go. Unlike dynamic content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Hugo generates static HTML files that can be served directly to the user’s browser. This approach results in faster load times, improved security, and easier deployment.

Getting Started

To kick start my Hugo adventure, I first needed to install it on my machine. The process was surprisingly straightforward. I used the following command in my terminal:


brew install hugo

Linux (Debian/Ubuntu):

sudo apt-get install hugo

Linux (Fedora):

sudo dnf install hugo

Linux (Arch Linux):

sudo pacman -S hugo

Creating a New Site

With Hugo installed, I initiated a new site with a single command:

hugo new site my_website

This command created the basic structure of my site, including folders for content, layouts, static files, and configuration.

Themes and Customization

One of the standout features of Hugo is its support for themes. I explored the various available themes and chose one that resonated with my vision for the website.

Hugo also allows for extensive customization. I experimented with layouts, partials, and shortcodes to tailor the appearance and functionality of my site to my liking.

For the theme I choose to go with a theme called Blowfish:

View Site Demo

View my post about Blowfish for more info:


Content Creation

Creating content in Hugo is a breeze. All you need to do after cloning the repository into your GitHub is edit the files needed to change up the site.

Previewing the Site

Hugo provides a local development server that allows you to preview your site before deploying it. The following command started the server:

hugo server

I could then navigate to http://localhost:1313 in my browser to see real-time updates as I made changes to the site.


Once satisfied with my Hugo-powered site, deploying it was a straightforward process. I built the static files with:


This generated a public folder containing the HTML, CSS, and other assets. I could then deploy this folder to any web server or hosting service of my choice.


Exploring Hugo was a rewarding experience that introduced me to the world of static site generation. Its simplicity, speed, and robust customization options make it an excellent choice for various projects. Whether you’re a developer looking for a fast and efficient way to build a personal blog or a business site, Hugo is undoubtedly worth considering. I encourage you to embark on your Hugo journey and unlock the potential of static site generation. Happy coding!


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